Sunday, April 18, 2010


For the last two months, we have  been receiving wedding gifts and beautiful cards with beautiful words. I just received a letter that brought me to tears from my Nanna. She has always been so amazing at keeping up in letter writing. This is an art that I hope will never disappear. There is just something very special about receiving a hand-written note from a loved one!! I have decided to post this letter, because I want to be able to go back to her words time and time again.

I am all ready framing the letter, but I want to be sure if it fades in time, I still can come back and remember her beautiful advice written April 12, 2010:

Dear Robyn and Justin,

I had purchased a card a few weeks ago. I will, no doubt find it as soon as I mail this one!

How wonderful to be able to spend this time with you, and to see you two beautiful people ready for whatever life holds for you.

Of course, for me, the extra happiness was in seeing my two children and four grand children together as a family.

The wedding ceremony was quite unique, and I want to know more about the Rabbi! It was perfect in every way.

May you continue to flourish in one another's love! I hope you will always be "close as pages in a book" as the song says! May you be guided by wisdom, thoughtfulness and an unselfish and charitable view of the world!

With admiration and so much love.....!!!


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