Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday, Monday

DIY Pinterest Love, by Me.

It has been a pretty crazy past 10 days or so... but things are finally seeming to come together again. I really do not like to use the word "normal" as in "coming back to normal" because what is "normal" anyway ?!

We have a lot going on this week... Some of which I need to just hush about for the moment!!

I am super psyched for the Bryan Kest master class workshop tomorrow at Qi. He is the king of power yoga, and we are going to be working with him from 6-9 tomorrow eve... Yay!!

I taught this weekend - Saturday and Sunday and teach again this coming Thursday :) I am still a new teacher, but I am learning so much from my students' bodies - their movement and from my teaching strategies - their movement in relation to my cues. The wonderful thing about being a teacher is that you are always a student of the practice and you are always learning every moment. Truly... Chataranga Dandasana and plank have become increasingly NEW to me these past few weeks after a few adjustments here and there.

Hmm... Maybe there is a theme there: Finding something new in the ordinary.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you are teaching that many days! I know you are enjoying it!


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